Never Stop with Black Hefner (Hef Banks) and Que Babyy -Unseen Twisted Truths-

8 months ago


Black Hefner (Hef Banks) Rapper, professional sports better, party promoter, streamer, fisherman, cancer fighter what can’t Black Hefner do? Next week he comes and tells us more about his journey and more. Plus we have Que Babyy
Que Babyy was
Born and raised in Southwest Detroit
From Detroit to Chicago I was always back and forth.,
Getting shot seven times in 2012 changed my life…
Ended my basketball career and I was in a wheelchair for 6 months determining to walk again
I worked hard on trying to that’s when music came in place I already had a passion for music having my own studio at 14 and began engineering at 15…
Never took music seriously until I watched people I help create a name for they self start taking off and just left me behind… that was my motivation to make music and just go hard…, welcome Que Babyy

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