WEF Huckster's and Clown's Invade Ukraine

11 months ago

WEF Huckster's and Clown's Invade Ukraine which is what all started the problems in Ukraine under the Obama Admin, after it appears a Invasion of crazy WEF Cult of Tranny Clowns has descended on the poor people of Ukraine dressing like women and begging for money from America but their all actually men like puppet Zelensky and his cult of tranny clowns. It appears $200 Billion Dollars in US aid actually went to strap on's and women's dresses.
The money pit, Ukraine was chosen by the WEF elites/ Biden as ground zero for their "great reset" as puppet Zelensky petitioned the globalist at the World economic forum in this video he talks about "reset in Ukraine" and he tells the crowd basically they are destroying Ukraine to wipe it out as and turn it in to the headquarters of the "New World Order" with ID passports, Vaccine passports, digital currency and carbon credit scam to be launched as Ukraine was the chosen reset using American taxpayer money as $1 Billion a month US tax money goes to Ukraine for the Globalist elite to demolish Ukraine destroying all the buildings and infrastructure in another Biden money laundering scam.
Zelensky says in this video he's working to Transform Ukraine into "The New Ukraine"

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