"Nourishing Defense: Discover the Immunity-Boosting Power of This Delicious Fare to Lower Your Cancer Risk"

8 months ago

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Sulforaphane is a phytochemical that has had a lot of compelling research suggesting its anti-carcinogenic properties, anti-inflammatory properties, and more! It’s found in broccoli and other cruciferous vegetables.

🔬Various preclinical studies have suggested sulforaphane’s anti-carcinogenic properties. However, more studies (particularly human) are needed to further clarify its benefits. With that said, there is a robust amount of data supporting all the health benefits of broccoli outside of cancer prevention as well.

📚Medical Source (published in a branch of the prestigious - Nature Journal)
Zhang, Ying et al. “Sulforaphane suppresses metastasis of triple-negative breast cancer cells by targeting the RAF/MEK/ERK pathway.” NPJ breast cancer 2022.

*This is purely educational and should not be taken as personal or direct medical advice*

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Dr. Tim is a board-certified physician, professor and social media personality based in NYC.

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Joy Bauer is a registered dietitian, the nutrition expert for NBC’s TODAY Show, and a # 1 NYT bestselling author!

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