Dr. William Makis Unveils Alarming Numbers on Injuries , Disabilities, & Deaths

1 year ago

**Lots of links here : https://t.me/TheKovidKollection/36902

Dr. William Makis Unveils Alarming Numbers on Vaccine Injuries, Disabilities, and Deaths

• About 10% to 15% of people who took the C19 shots have suffered an injury (V-Safe)

• 1% have been permanently disabled (US Insurance Data)

• 0.1% have been killed (or 1000 per million)

More insights from Dr. Makis:

Children's Hearts Are Being Destroyed by mRNA COVID-19 "Vaccines" — And Their Heart Transplants Are Not Going Well

Masks Are Ruining Children's Lives: Dr. Makis Uncovers How Bad It is

Teachers Are Being Decimated by Aggressive and Metastatic Cancers After COVID-19 Vaccine Mandates

Do 50% of Pfizer & Moderna-Vaccinated People Produce Spike Protein Forever?

TURBO CANCER - Nurses are developing advanced (usually Stage 4) turbo cancers after being forced into taking COVID-19 mRNA vaccines.


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