Nefarious! Cancer causing gene sequences INTENTIONALLY added to jabs according to dr. Janci Lindsay

1 year ago

Dr. Janci Lindsay has a degree in biochemistry and molecular biology, toxicologist, professional national and international expert witness.

Gene therapy (which is EXACTLY what the COVID jabs are) was never brought to market, even though it’s been over 40 years in development, because it caused latent cancers that developed two to four years after the gene therapy was given. It also caused lethal auto-immune reactions, even when cells are producing human proteins, not foreign proteins.

The COVID shots are inducing the body’s cells to produce foreign proteins. When the immune system sees the cells producing these, it destroys these cells, i.e. an auto-immune reaction where the immune systems turns against its own cells.

If the COVID jab stayed in your shoulder, as people were promised, this wouldn’t have been a big problem, because the tissue there is robust. However, the jab goes everywhere and gets taken up by all cells and passes all barriers (e.g. the placenta, blood-brain barrier). Now it gets into cells that are fragile and don’t or hardly regenerate, such as the heart, brain, eggs.

As prof. dr. Phillip Buckhaults has also reported, the COVID jabs do not just contain mRNA, but also DNA fragments. These fragments are not just a tiny amount, but apparently dr. Kevin McKernan has found to up to 30% of the genetic material in the jabs is DNA.

Dr. Lindsay refers to SV40 gene sequences which have been found in the jab and are known to be oncogenic (i.e. cause cancer). It is very unlikely that they are there by accident, i.e. is a mistake during production, because these sequences are unnecessary to make the jabs.

There is also an SV40-promoter, designed to be expressed in human cells but not in bacterial cells (which were used to produce the jabs).

She says that even during the clinical trials of the jabs, the vaxx group had more deaths than the control group (not even counting the significant number of vaxx recipients who were removed from the trial, likely due to adverse reactions that now need not be reported). The clinical trials participants created a clean (though still toxic) product. The general population that got jabbed received a contaminated product that is even more toxic that the product in the clinical trials.

The population has been told over and over again that the jab will not alter your genes. This is a complete lie, because there is DNA in the shots and this DNA can enter the cell nucleus where it can integrate in human DNA. (Besides, is has also been shown that the mRNA can reverse transcribe into DNA, which can then also enter the cell nucleus and integrate into human DNA.) Not only has the population been told a lie, but the liars have KNOWINGLY done this because they knew the DNA fragments (plasmids) were in the jabs.

Gene sequences in the jabs can transfect E. Coli bacteria in your gut. These mutated E. Coli will multiple, which will make you into a perpetual spike protein factory.

There is also a gene present in the jabs that makes bacteria resistant to antibiotics used to treat tuberculosis.

The FDA knew about the DNA plasmid contamination, but instead of immediately warning the public (which they would have done if public health were their main priority), they chose to sweep this information under the rug by redacting it (which is exactly what you would expect from on organization that in reality works for the pharmaceutical industry).


SC Senate Hearing - Dr. Janci Lindsay


Testimony by prof. dr. Phillip Buckhaults

MALICIOUS! Prof. Murakami discusses cancer promoting DNA sequence found in Pfizer jabs

Pandemic of post-vaxx turbo cancer: A collection of alarming reports by experts worldwide


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