If your absence didn't bother them your presence never meant anything to them

9 months ago

If your absence didn't bother them your presence never meant anything to them The statement "If your absence didn't bother them, your presence never meant anything to them" is a common sentiment often used to express feelings of disappointment or unreciprocated affection in relationships, whether they are romantic, familial, or friendships. It suggests that if someone doesn't seem to care or notice when you're not around, it indicates that your presence and connection with them were not significant or meaningful.

However, it's important to remember that people have different ways of expressing their emotions and may not always show their appreciation or attachment in obvious ways. Some individuals may not be good at expressing their feelings or may have their own reasons for not reacting strongly to someone's absence. Additionally, the depth and significance of relationships can vary greatly between individuals.

It's not always fair or accurate to judge the importance of a relationship solely based on how someone responds to your absence. Communication and understanding are essential in relationships, and if you're feeling unappreciated or undervalued, it may be worth discussing your feelings and concerns with the other person to gain a better understanding of their perspective and the dynamics of the relationship.

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