Abstracts first and second rules thermodynamics : GUERLISCH And TSCHEUCHNER study

1 year ago

3.9.1 Introduction At the time of Fourier’s publication [37, 38] the two fundamental laws of classical thermo[1]dynamics were not known. For each law two equivalent versions as formulated by Rudolf Clausius (January 2, 1822 - August 24, 1888), the founder of axiomatic thermodynamics, are given by [178, 179]: • First law of thermodynamics: – In all cases, when work is transformed into heat, an amount of heat in proportion to the produced work is used up, and vice versa, the same amount of heat can be produced by the consumption of an equal amount of work. – Work can be transformed into heat and vice versa, where the amount of one is in proportion to the amount of the other. This is a definition of the mechanical heat equivalent. • Second law of thermodynamics: – Heat cannot move itself from a cooler body into a warmer one. – A heat transfer from a cooler body into a warmer one cannot happen without com[1]pensation. 76 Gerhard Gerlich and Ralf D. Tscheuschne

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