All Wars Are Bankers' Wars (2016 Documentary)

1 year ago

"All Wars Are Bankers' Wars" is a 2016 documentary by Michael Rivero that explores the central banking connection behind America's wars.

The film cites direct quotes from the founders, presidents, and other world leaders regarding each of the major wars America was involved in, beginning with the American Revolution, King George III, and Benjamin Franklin.

The documentary highlights the consequences of a distorted economic rationale in an impoverished society and how banking practices have led to catastrophic incidents throughout history.

Bankers lend money to both sides in a conflict and make a profit from interest payments on those loans. Wars create debt, which can then be used as an excuse for more government control over our lives. Wars also provide an excuse for increased taxes and other forms of taxation without representation.

Wars also serve as means by which social control may be exercised over large populations through propaganda campaigns designed by professional public relations experts working in tandem with government agencies such as DARPA or IARPA.

Michael Rivero's website is

The following was copy and pasted from Dr. Mike Yeadon's Telegram channel:

"I cannot recommend this highly enough. THIS is what sits behind everything that’s happening. I think there may be additional factors & motivations, but these (money & control) motives are sufficient to drive it all.

Please watch & share the unbelievable truth.

I’ve verified many parts of this separately, but I’d never seen it all lined up like this.

Best wishes
Mike Yeadon"

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