When The Worst Comes To America, The Military & Police Will Stand W/ The Corrupt Government NOT YOU

10 months ago

When The Worst Comes To America, The Military & Police Will Stand W/ The Corrupt Government NOT YOU, Here’s The Proof

“When ANTIFA was attacking you the people of Staten Island stood with you & now you stand against the people of Staten Island? How do you even look at yourselves in the mirror?”

NYPD Stands With Illegal Immigrants Being Bussed In, NOT The Citizens

Curtis Sliwa Was Arrested For Protesting Illegal Immigrants Being Bussed Into New York After This Encounter
Curtis Sliwa is an American radio host, political activist, and founder of the Guardian Angels, a volunteer organization aimed at crime prevention and public safety. Here is some information about Curtis Sliwa:

Early Life and Education: Curtis Sliwa was born on March 26, 1954, in Brooklyn, New York. He attended St. John's University in New York City.

Guardian Angels: Sliwa gained national recognition for founding the Guardian Angels in 1979. This organization is known for its members, often called "Angels," patrolling public transportation systems and neighborhoods to deter crime and provide assistance to individuals in need. The Guardian Angels have expanded to several cities in the United States and other countries.

Radio Career: Curtis Sliwa has had a successful career in radio. He has hosted various talk radio programs, including a long-running show on WABC radio in New York City. His radio career has allowed him to discuss various political and social issues.

Political Involvement: Sliwa has been politically active and has made multiple runs for political office. He ran for mayor of New York City as a Republican candidate in the 2021 mayoral election. He has also sought public office in previous elections, including running for the New York City Council.

Conservative Views: Curtis Sliwa is known for his conservative political views. He has been a vocal advocate for law and order, public safety, and conservative values in his political campaigns and radio commentary.

Media Presence: In addition to his radio career, Sliwa has made appearances on various television programs as a commentator and political analyst, discussing a range of topics.

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