UK Column News - Wednesday 20th September 2023.

9 months ago

Presented Today By Mike Robinson, David Scott & Debi Evans.
Duration - 1hour 1minute.
UK Column News - 20th September 2023

Mike Robinson, David Scott and Debi Evans with today’s UK Column News.

00:13 Online Safety Bill Nodded Through—The Shutting-Up Of Jab Victims Exemplifies The Pernicious Nature of Such Censorship
09:30 Ukraine Attacks Russia’s Key Black Sea Fleet Base With UK Missiles
13:24 Net Zero: First Election Casualty
21:40 Inflation, Interest And Out-Of-Control Debt
30:57 UK Medical Monitoring Worldwide
37:56 Brand Was Not Accused Before He Broke From Mainstream
43:28 Child Sex And Witchcraft Ring Trial In Glasgow
46:35 Shades Of Stalin's Nanny: Canada's Theresa Tam Wants Masks To Be ‘Normalised’
52:35 The Spread Of Devolved And Local Governments Not Working For The People
56:30 The Times Reports The Fornethy Horrors—Don't Mention UK Column


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