The Insidious Truth Behind Child Trafficking And The War To End It

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The war that wages today is not an overt war waged to gain land or one king’s army fighting another king’s army over petty differences and/or family squabbles. Presently, the war that wages is covert, fought away from the eyes of the common guy on the street or high in some office setting. No, the war we are currently in is one of breakaway factions of good guys from the armies of wicked people who are bent on destroying the land and slaying the people. In this war, the good guys are valiant soldiers, sworn by oath to the Constitution and good values that are inherently recessed inside of most people. Today we will look at this war, the soldiers involved in freeing the slaves of the Deep State and success stories of the war on slavery and depravity. The show airs at 3PM Pacific on the Opposing The Matrix network.

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