God Marked the Word I Gave About the Remnant Rising in 5748 With a Sign Today

10 months ago

I did not intend to make another video until after our annual leadership summit which is themed "The Remnant Rising in this New Era!" To join us via Zoom visit here for details. https://kingdomleague.org/kli-leadership-summit-the-remnant-rises-in-this-new-era/

But I just had to share with you the sign God left me to mark the message. As I was preparing for our summit, I found in some of our equipment an old newsletter from 12 years ago. It confirms exactly what I told you two days ago in the last video I made. The prophets today are proclaiming the same message God gave me 12 years ago and much more.

Check it out! What's my point. God prepared us for this time and season to equip us to fulfill our Father's purpose in this season.

I hope you can join us Sept 27-29.

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