Why I am a Christian! Is Christ divine? Biblical truths God wins

9 months ago

There are three questions that every person must face at some time in their life. The first is, why am I here on earth? The second question is what am I supposed to do? And the third question is what happens when this life is over? Many of the great philosophers have tried to answer this question. The philosopher who answered this question the best in my mind is Jesus Christ, the Messiah, the only begotten son of God. This in no way reflects badly on any of the other great philosophers or religious leaders, who have lifted their people up to a higher state of consciousness. There are many ways to Jesus and God is greater and more wonderful that our human can understand and greater than all the books ever written in the Bible is just a snapshot of how great God is. I love the Bible it’s a divinely inspired word of God, but language of human understanding have their limits. God is beyond our understanding and our language.

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