Become the Quantum, a Human Upgrade

1 year ago

Day 28 - Become the Quantum

We are now moving into the age of Quantum

Quantum Finance, Quantum Law, Quantum Computers, Quantum Grammar, Quantum Health

What is Quantum?

Our understanding of our body is increasing all the time. Sciencenow knows how our cells communicate with each other at light speeds. We are continuing to learn that we a lot more than physical beings

At the microscopic level, we are vibrations of light. Light beings, Enlightenment, a light feeling. The words provide us with the truth

We are empty space. Which if we stop to think about it, we are the Soul. Soul is energy, soul is the spirit

In every moment all we have is now. In every Now we have a choice. Ego or Soul

Quantum allows us to go through each now and predict the outcomes. Quantum is able to look at all possibilities and through all perspectives and can go forward or backwards in “time”. One truth connects to another. This is the definition of flow. Flowing with the truth (God)

If there is a way, which is the way of God, then we are now able to Quantify this by studying our body.

Light is a vibration, that vibration holds energy which is information, that information can now be translated into words. Exactly the way we are able to put our feelings into words, something within helps us communicate our feelings.

We are capable of so much more and our power comes when we go into Meditation which is the Soul

Using this concept of Quantum and exploring all possibilities we are able to take ourself to any situation, past or future and go through a step by step finding the truth in each now.

I share an example of how I reenacted out many scenarios, many conversations and many possibilities which allowed me to know what my next steps were. I had been there before as if it had happened. I had the experience (soul) I created the visuals (mind) and then it unfolded in the physical (body)

We can use meditation to help us find our knowing and work through all challenges and resistance that present themselves in our life.

Time = Emit (emitting light).

Take your awareness to the destination or outcome and from this truth, create your route map from within. Be true to yourself, look through the eyes of you, the other and the whole.

This awareness will allow you to know thyself in such deeper ways as well as giving you the confidence and confirmation to go with your soul in every moment

Be brave and revisit past moments, start from your truth and see how you can navigate through the resistance or barriers that have shown up for you

Take yourself ahead of time and explore all the outcomes which will allow you to be more prepared and ready for the surprises that life throws your way

Let go and Let God

Would love to know what comes up for you

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Meditation will change your life, Meditation is the Gateway to Gods Kingdom within you.

Find a full collection of my Meditation Experiences Here

#harrytheoulcoach #soulcoaching #harrythesoulcoachmeditations #guidedmeditation #spiritualteacher

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