Kolt shot activation Energy Vlog

1 year ago

Kolt shot activation Energy Vlog title is form the reading I did on the October 4th scare Jason secua video claiming EBS will activate graphene oxide in the MRNA shot to cause massive clot in those that took the experiential shotl. today is September 20, 2023, giving us 36 or # 9 The Hermit card time ot go within for inner wisdom.

The Schumann Resonance today showed us two different amplitudes numbers for the same data set. The first was a power of 12 at 13 hundred hours or 1:00 PM UTC, Thus we would say Ego Death came to the Hanged man Or the magician glamoured the Hanged man's sacrifice. When we looked at the numer up top it said the amplitude i was a power of 13 thes the Death card takingt tyhrough transformation or transition. The quality was a power of 6.90 thus #15 The Devilo card as in the devil made me do it though it is just your free will that got hyoj into trouble he enslaves you with your addiction and obsessions. The frequency average was 7.76 hertz giving us # 20 the Judgement of the age of Pisces. Therefore we have with these numbers: The Hermit comes upon the Hanged Man in his sacrifice of ego death to defeat the Devil at the Judgemnt at the end of the aeon.

I pulled on two questions based on the Dread that Janine picked upon in the quick draw on beyond Mystic this tuesday the first draw was on the nuclear war question as the cause , The cards seemed to indicate no to that question. However, on the October 4th use of the EBS to Kill more people we got and indication that they may attempt this since the card were Two of wand in the past. The querent card was the Knight of swords the good military The wheel of Fortune indicating Karmicd change ending the row with the queen of Wands she is truthful and intuitive. the nest card is the Ace of wands and the last card is the Five of Wands thus a conflict. Aces indicate Yes the five of wand indicate a battle, but against who. My intuition is if the EBS goes beyond five minutes the alliance was not able to stiop it and shut it off immediately especially if you have people in our house that have taken the vaxxine you will not have the graphene oxide within you if you did not get the shot.
Schumann Resonance Today Disclosure site:
Space Weather News site:
Beyond The News rumble video:

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