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1 year ago

NESARA is real, and Phil brought the paperwork to prove it. A must watch and share! I condensed his video, but everything important he had to say or show is in here. This proves (at least to me) that everything we're watching IS indeed a movie.


  • 0/2000
  • Dang! This sure gave me a big shot of hopium.

  • The advertising receipt was for having to post in "Legal Notices" in a Public Newspaper these documents. That particular Newspaper was evidently chosen so that not a whole people saw it. It is for Historical purposes so that the Newspaper can be printed and distributed to all 50 states and territories of United States. By law this Public Notice is necessary to be printed in a newspaper and announce to the public. Just FYI Every Library in the country will have copy of these Legal Documents. Which evidently was Declassified by President Trump to distribute to the public. It evidently was kept on the down low so that it could be announced by President Trump.

  • You are bad Ass my friend great information

  • ❤️🇺🇲🙏

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  • Thank you for showing us. That's AWESOME!!!

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  • Excuse me..... all debts paid ....pockets of cash. $$$$ for all.... and you end with "shit's gonna hit the fan" WTF!!

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  • The Charleston Newspaper is likely fallowing the required public statement rules. Even though it’s very obscure. On many legal issues a public notice statement must be issued in order to be completely legal. Not uncommon at all.

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  • We don't need to see your fake document dumbshit. Where's the money. Your liar and a grifter

  • Right, now go on MSM and say that everyone’s going to get bank accounts full of cash. You people have been babbling this BS out for years telling everyone they’ll have all their debts wiped and loads of cash in their accounts. People actually believed this stuff and got pissed off when you didn’t load them up with cash. Plus these “special folks” think they’re the only ones to get this money and everyone else that doesn’t jump on board gets left out in the cold. What is it with you GREEDY PEOPLE?? Just knock this sh** off!!

  • soothsayer The origins are straightforward: a soothsayer is someone who says sooth. You may, however, find that less than enlightening! Sooth is an archaic word meaning "truth" or "reality" that dates from Old English and was used until about the first half of the 17th century. (It is believed to share an ancestor with words suggesting truthfulness and reality in Old Norse, Greek, Old High German, Sanskrit, Latin, and Gothic languages.) Soothsayer itself has been documented in print as far back as the 14th century. Today, it is also a moniker of the insect the mantis, whose name means "prophet" in Greek. Today we call the Bullsh@ters.

  • It's NOT about debt forgiveness. It's about Illegal loans/debt and enslavement. Their Refunds! Time to choose.

  • So Phil ... when will the USDEBTCLOCK.ORG zero out then??? https://usdebtclock.org/

  • attacking the messenger is a nice way to go about things if you are on the side of truth. The documents appear legitimate and can be checked before telling us of Phil's, Russell Brand, Julian Assange and Trump's indictments. Makes no difference as the fog of war attempts to lie and dehumanize the enemy. The enemy of liars is truth tellers. So again to the documents is that Banking is a criminal enterprise that has been going on a long time. The End of the FED and the USdollar is occurring and people are slowly waking up. In 2006 I was going on to a trade program and communicating with facilitators, principals and the Fed. Make a long story short since WWII which we Lost - we have been scavenging every person in the world with this FIAT dollar scam - first the Marshall Plan - then jump to the LBOs and Marc Rich - the big banks failed in 1990 - then another takeaway when in 2001 with 911 and the refusal of the west to pay off debts it incurred during the last 10 wars or so... Anyway the project we were doing dealt with Gold - 39 Billion in ground asset. With BRICS which is NESARA - I saw the plan in 1994. It hasn't changed - what changed is the way money is created moves and balanced. The understanding of money based on assets vs money based on debt. The new messaging standard is called ISO2022 - a business associate computer programmer provided the basis of this transformation to an HONEST and Efficient bank messaging program. It was necessary for the Technology to be capable of handing the QFS - Quantum Financial System. To end this message - the deal we had to move into the trade program was blocked by CIA, HRC Senator Reid of Nevada and the whole Cabal as after 2007 - theft and destruction was the only banking method left for the dark side. Now comes the changes.

  • "HSBC has been implicated in a number of controversies and the bank has been repeatedly fined for money laundering (sometimes in relation with major criminal organizations such as the Sinaloa cartel)[14] or setting up large scale tax avoidance schemes...In February 2023, HSBC announced that its profits for the last quarter of 2022 has almost doubled when compared to the same time of year before. However, its pre-tax profit actually fell because it absorbed the cost of selling its French retail banking operations.[107] The bank also announced that they were closing 114 branches in the United Kingdom.

  • https://rumble.com/v2b91j0-age-of-prosperity-sunday-26-february-2023.html