NEW: Ed Dowd with Naomi Wolf on The Latest Astonishing Death Rates in The UK

1 year ago

Brilliant discussion with Dr. Naomi Wolf and Ed Dowd who have been factually discussing Covid 'vaccine' excess deaths for months and months. They have the data that is "being ignored" by the medical community, the media and our politicians...astounding details of +20%..+30% death rates across age groups...and nobody cares.

"Three is a signal, and just to give you an idea of what that's like, why? Why three? That happens point 0.3% of the time under across all observations and a 3.8 standard DVD deviation event is the same as you getting hit by lightning once in your life. So when when I say 10 standard deviations, that's just an improbable event from from the norm and then that, then the reason why it's signal is we need to investigate why. And the reason why I'm so annoyed with what's going on is these signals are being seen by all the health authorities that that are issuing and following health edicts and they're ignoring them."

Weekly Excess Death Rate Analysis: United Kingdom

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