HIGH NOON: Prepare for GOD's Suddenlies - NOW!

1 year ago

The Word of Spirit of The LORD to my heart is simple: THIS IS THE DAY OF SALVATION! THESE ARE THE DAYS OF MY "SUDDENLIES"! Choose Me or Choose Me not - it's up to you - but, we are about to see the fulfillment of His Word and experience either His great healing, restoration, and His grace and forgiveness -or-
you are about to reap the seeds of discord, rebellion, anger, and hatred!

The Holy Spirit is stirring hearts and minds as never before - and there's going to very soon be a whole lot of shaking going on! God has put before each one of us a choice between "life and death; blessings and a curse.." I would strongly recommend we choose as God suggests, "..choose life". (Deuteronomy 30:19)

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Mahalo (thank you) for Watching..A Hui Hou (see you again)..
Gods Blessings and Aloha, In Christ Jesus!

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