The Great Hornbill

9 months ago

The great hornbill Buceros bicornis (kalao), is one of the larger members of the hornbill family, whose body length reaches 1.5 m. 

Having an impressive size and colorful plumage, this bird is part of the rituals of the peoples living in its area. In captivity, the kalao can live up to the age of fifty.

The range of kalao stretches from Western India to the east to Thailand, and south through the Malacca Peninsula to the island of Sumatra inclusive. Kalao live in the treetops of tropical jungles. The favorite places of these birds are the tops of evergreen trees, where they find enough food all year round.

In search of food, a kalao flies between the trees. It is often possible to observe how these birds fly in pairs or in small flocks over the forest. Kalao keep in touch with each other with the help of loud sounds - a rolling roar and cackling. In flight, the kalao resembles a vulture with its rounded wings.

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