Dr. Tour UNMASKS Double-Standards & Inaccurate Commentary - Steve Benner, Part 01

1 year ago

*THIS is Episode 6* - _Double-Standards, Lie Detectors, and Inaccurate Commentary - Dr. Steve Benner, Part 01_

In case you missed them:
Ep 1: https://youtu.be/4rwPi1miWu4
Ep 2: https://youtu.be/aUOZh4zmrXo
Ep 3: https://youtu.be/v3A8_ezYlZY
Ep 4: https://youtu.be/N_on6LK6Etc
Ep 5: https://youtu.be/t5PfBzQUjW8
Ep 7: https://youtu.be/cL0NIFk1grE
Ep 8: https://youtu.be/atxmIZw3DdA
*Episode 9 premieres soon! SUBSCRIBE so you'll be notified!*

Riddle Me This: _A YouTuber discredits thinking like a synthetic chemist. He interviews three. How many blunders does he have?_
We begin this episode by questioning whether autocatalytic cycles magically wash away origin-of-life constraints, such as low yields, enantiomeric excess, and chirality. We then meet Dr. Steve Benner, a synthetic chemist the YouTuber elected to interview, despite whether his thinking may possess "embarrassing blunders." Looking beyond double standards, we witness how Benner admits the constraints of chemistry and wonder: _If the YouTuber's autocatalytic cycle solves all, why hasn't the chemist simply applied this solution to those constraints?_ Contrary to the YouTuber's statements of ease, Benner tells us that actual (and not theoretical) chemistry is "hard to get to work." Indeed, where the rubber meets the road is key, and there are no roads on Fairytale Island. Further revealed is a false claim by the YouTuber and Benner that Dr. Tour leans on a "God of the Gaps" argument when addressing abiogenesis, despite his statements to the contrary, yet the "Lie Detector" asserts knowing best. Finally, we see how Benner's interview with the YouTuber appeared as if Benner was critiquing Dr. Tour's original abiogenesis series; however, simply by observing how off-base his statements were, whether Benner truly watched the series is seriously called into question. Concluding the episode, Benner's entire commentary becomes invalidated by way of his admission to Dr. Tour when confronted in person — Steve wasn't paying attention even if/when he did watch it. Unfortunately for the viewer, the riddle's answer quickly becomes lost in embarrassment when trying to add up all these observed blunders.

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See all our episodes:
*Addressing Abiogenesis, Season 2*

*Addressing Abiogenesis, Season 1*

00:00 Memoirs of a Synthetic Chemist
03:04 On Autocatalysis & Insufficient Backgrounds
05:16 Fairytale Island — No Problems, No Cry
06:15 Synthetic Chemist "Embarrassing Blunders"
06:28 Synthesizing Double Standards
07:21 Chemistry Theory vs Reality
07:47 Benner's World of G-D Problems
09:35 Extra, Extra! Autocatalysis!
11:43 The Lie Detector
14:25 God of the Gaps? No.
16:06 RE: Religion: What Jim Said
16:51 What Was Steve Watching?
18:07 RE: Atmospheres: What Jim Said
19:26 Putting Words In Jim's Mouth
20:40 Jim Wants What?
24:44 RE: Sutherland et al
26:14 RE: Richert: What Jim Said
27:17 TL;DR — Steve's Comments, Misdirected
27:55 Next Time: Steve Benner, Part 02

#abiogenesis #originoflife #evolution

God bless.

Dr Tour's Personal Website - http://jmtour.com

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