Dr. Tour MINES Data on Origin of Life Claims - Steve Benner, Part 02

1 year ago

*THIS is episode 7* - _Digging Through The Data on Origin of Life Claims - Dr. Steve Benner, Part 02_
Episode 1: https://youtu.be/4rwPi1miWu4
Episode 2: https://youtu.be/aUOZh4zmrXo
Episode 3: https://youtu.be/v3A8_ezYlZY
Episode 4: https://youtu.be/N_on6LK6Etc
Episode 5: https://youtu.be/t5PfBzQUjW8
Episode 6: https://youtu.be/ZtitTE2BavU
Episode 8: https://youtu.be/atxmIZw3DdA
*Episode 9 premieres soon! SUBSCRIBE so you'll be notified!*

After witnessing Dr. Steve Benner's misrepresentation of Dr. Tour and his statements on origin of life (OOL), in this episode, we now turn to Benner's chemistry. Looking beyond mere titles and abstracts, we dig into Benner's data, exploring how it suffers from excessive human involvement, despite Benner himself criticizing the notion. After reminding us of the Cannizzaro dilemma and how time presents a problem for synthetic degradation, Dr. Tour exposes how Benner's D-Ribose was just a needle in a haystack of other compounds, rendering it prebiotically irrelevant due to it being completely useless for further reactions. Nevertheless, Benner continues, claiming a "hands off" approach, but using "hands on" from other chemists, who provide the alleged missing human involvement and relay synthesis along the way, let alone, chemists whose papers reveal they purchased chemicals as by-products from living sources, rending those paths prebiotically irrelevant as well. Dr. Tour also exposes OOL's problem of picking and choosing molecules only when it strikes one's fancy, for example, magnesium chloride and all the amino acids, while abrogating DAP's OOL relevance to boot. Things are not so pure as they seem (and as the chemistry requires), and chemists who extrapolate their claims should simply know better.

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Check out all our episodes:
*Addressing Abiogenesis, Season 2*

*Addressing Abiogenesis, Season 1*

00:00 Striking One's Fancy
02:24 Review & Agenda
03:34 Beyond Abstract, See What They Made
05:02 Benner's Death Valley
05:48 Carbohydrates & Prebiotic Relevance
06:35 Cheating via Relay Synthesis
08:36 Cannizzaro? Hands Off?
10:56 Carbo Synthesis: On Titles & Time
14:41 "Totally Irrelevant" He Says
16:47 D-Ribose Against D-Clock
18:05 More like D'fective-Ribose
21:58 Benner's Intern*
23:40 Prebiotically Useless
24:21 OOL's Secret: Buy; Extract from Mess; Claim Relevance
26:13 Other Chemists — Not Human?
27:37 The Freelance Chemistry Gig
27:54 AmTP/DAP's Stare Decisis Flaw
29:43 "Not It"
31:06 MgCl2, When We Want It
32:25 "Hands Off" & Biological By-Products
35:07 Abrogating DAP's OOL Relevance
38:18 Common, err, "Closet" Knowledge
40:50 Impurities & Interventions
43:27 Summary
44:26 Next Time: Steve Benner, Part 03

References on Abstracts:
_Evidence shows that research abstracts are commonly inconsistent with their corresponding full reports, and may mislead readers._

_There was some form of spin in 80% of abstracts._

_If these studies tell us anything it’s that those poor, neglected methods and results sections is where you’ll find the real gold._

#abiogenesis #originoflife #evolution

* This video includes an intentional mistranslation of a story told by Juan Joya Borja, a Spanish comedian and actor known as "El Risitas" ("The Giggles" in Spanish), as satire. Joya's hilarious story describes an incident when he worked as a kitchen porter, and he left some paella pans (paelleras) at night in the ocean to soak and clean them, and in the morning when he returned to retrieve the pans, they had washed out to sea with the tide. He frequently interrupts the story with his trademark laugh. This story has become a popular meme on the Internet, entertaining millions with intentional mistranslations paired with Joya’s laugh. Thank you "El Risitas" for blessing the Internet with this story and your contagious laugh. May you rest in peace. For more on Risitas and this meme, see https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/El_Risitas

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