Dr. Tour BURSTS Oil Bubble Chemistry and More - Lee Cronin, Part 03, debunking Professor Dave

2 years ago

*THIS is Episode 3* - _Bursting Cronin's Bubble Chemistry - Lee Cronin, Part 03_
Ep 1: https://youtu.be/4rwPi1miWu4
Ep 2: https://youtu.be/aUOZh4zmrXo
Ep 4: https://youtu.be/N_on6LK6Etc
Ep 5: https://youtu.be/t5PfBzQUjW8
Ep 6: https://youtu.be/ZtitTE2BavU
Ep 7: https://youtu.be/cL0NIFk1grE
Ep 8: https://youtu.be/atxmIZw3DdA
*Episode 9 premieres soon! SUBSCRIBE so you'll be notified!*

Concluding the discussion on Lee Cronin, this episode peers into the manufactured oil bubbles from his lab, looking for any resemblance of life's necessary machinery, either in modern cellular life or some prehistoric, protocellular precursor. With characterization data clearly showing a human-engineered and chemically loaded system steered for autocatalysis to yield oil bubbles (and failing to comprise a cellular lipid bilayer), Dr. Tour questions how Cronin's lab and his experiments truly operate autonomously and how the formation of the bubbles has anything to do with biological life. Rolling back the clock, we then watch Cronin present the idea of creating "evolvable matter" in the lab, once the "right chemistry" has been "set up"—rather, "input"—by the chemists. With inorganic rust not holding water, and other reactions yielding billions of unusable stereo-scrambled compounds, Cronin's lab hasn't met their projected deadline, yet the religion of prebiotic soup extrapolations continues to be preached. Dr. Tour concludes this episode with a list of outstanding abiogenesis problems in need of a solution.

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Check out all our episodes:
*Addressing Abiogenesis, Season 2*

*Addressing Abiogenesis, Season 1*

00:00 Robots and Salad Dressing
00:50 Previously, Lee Cronin Part 01
02:13 Cronin's Autocatalysis Narrative
04:33 Autonomous Oil Protocell
05:15 Contrast Lipid Bilayers
05:59 Constructing the Automation Machine
07:16 Prokaryotic Cellular Division
09:53 Contrast Cronin's Droplet Divisions
10:22 Marangoni Extrapolation
11:30 Supplemental Data Reveals Loaded System
13:28 Cronin's Definition of Autonomous
13:48 Protein "Magic"
14:56 No Such Magic, Cronin Says
16:43 Cronin's Watchmaker
17:51 Cronin at TED
19:07 How's It Going?
20:09 Blame Also With The Scientists
22:16 Review: Outstanding Abiogenesis Problems
25:04 Who's Next
25:21 Next Time: Addressing Bruce Lipshutz Part 01

#abiogenesis #originoflife #evolution

Papers addressed in Cronin series:
- Spontaneous formation of autocatalytic sets with self-replicating inorganic metal oxide clusters; https://www.pnas.org/doi/full/10.1073/pnas.1921536117
- Autocatalysis: Kinetics, Mechanisms and Design; https://chemistry-europe.onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/abs/10.1002/syst.202000026
- Taming the Combinatorial Explosion of the Formose Reaction via Recursion within Mineral Environments; https://chemistry-europe.onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/full/10.1002/syst.201900014
- Formation of oligopeptides in high yield under simple programmable conditions; https://www.nature.com/articles/ncomms9385
- Amino Acid Structures; https://www.neb.com/tools-and-resources/usage-guidelines/amino-acid-structures

God bless.

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