Step-by-Step Create A GiG || On Tenierr || Get Orders On Tenierr || Tenierr 🙂

9 months ago

Hello guys:
Creating a gig on Tenierr, a fictional platform similar to Fiverr, and getting orders can be broken down into several steps. Here's a step-by-step guide:

Step 1: Sign Up and Create Your Account

Visit the Tenierr website and sign up for an account. You'll need to provide your email address, create a username, and set a password.
Step 2: Complete Your Profile
2. After signing up, complete your profile. Add a profile picture, write a compelling bio, and provide relevant information about your skills, experience, and expertise.

Step 3: Research and Choose a Niche
3. Identify a specific niche or service you want to offer on Tenierr. Consider your skills and what you're passionate about. Research the competition in your chosen niche to see what services are in demand.

Step 4: Create Your Gig
4. To create a gig, go to your Tenierr dashboard and find the option to "Create a Gig" or something similar. Follow these steps:

a. Title: Choose a catchy and descriptive title for your gig.
b. Category: Select the most relevant category and subcategory for your service.
c. Description: Write a detailed and persuasive gig description. Explain what you offer, your experience, and why potential buyers should choose you.
d. Pricing: Set your pricing structure, including basic, standard, and premium packages if applicable.
e. Delivery Time: Specify how long it takes to complete your service.
f. Add Extras: Offer additional services or add-ons for an extra fee if relevant.
g. Upload Samples: If applicable, upload samples of your previous work to showcase your skills.
h. Tags: Use relevant tags to help your gig appear in search results.

Step 5: Optimize Your Gig
5. Make sure your gig stands out by optimizing it. Use high-quality images or videos, ensure your pricing is competitive, and write a compelling gig description that addresses potential buyers' needs.

Step 6: Publish Your Gig
6. Once you're satisfied with your gig, click the "Publish" or "Submit" button to make it live on Tenierr.

Step 7: Promote Your Gig
7. Share your gig on social media, forums, and other relevant platforms to increase its visibility. You can also ask friends and family to help spread the word.

Step 8: Respond to Inquiries
8. Monitor your Tenierr inbox for inquiries and messages from potential buyers. Respond promptly and professionally to their questions.

Step 9: Deliver High-Quality Work
9. When you receive an order, make sure to deliver high-quality work within the specified timeframe. Communication with the buyer is key throughout the process.

Step 10: Request Reviews and Ratings
10. After successfully completing an order, kindly request your clients to leave a review and rating on your profile. Positive reviews can help boost your credibility.

Step 11: Continuously Improve
11. Keep improving your skills, gig description, and offerings. Consider adjusting your pricing or adding new services based on feedback and market demand.

Step 12: Scale Your Business
12. As you gain more experience and positive reviews, you can scale your Tenierr business by offering more gigs or expanding your services to cater to a broader audience.

So.....👉 Register now at and take your freelance career to the next level. 🚀

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