Jokl: Losers, whites, Jews, Oliver Anthony, Brandon | Thu. 9-21-23

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Hake interviews Jokl: Why whites are losing, blaming Jews (Oliver Anthony, "Let's Go Brandon"). Jokl talks to black callers!

The Hake Report, Thursday, September 21, 2023 AD – guest: @Dljokl (on YouTube and X) "Deep Left Jokl"

Pardon Hake's tech / audio issues at the beginning!

0:00:00 Start / BOND tee
0:01:07 Hey, guys!
0:02:08 GUEST: Jokl (DLJokl)
0:05:47 What is he? Political philosopher, "Deep Left"
0:09:29 Wishful thinking, not changing the govt
0:16:56 Why losers in our country? Women "conservative"
0:22:49 I’m Jewish and I hate white people (Keith Woods)
0:24:52 I was introduced to Judaism…
0:27:59 Vedas, Vedic scriptures, "Hinduism" (India)
0:29:55 Eckhart Tolle "Power of Now," Nitsche
0:33:20 Supers Hake disavow
0:34:34 FREDERICK: Ma'at, "Lucy"
0:42:46 Yakub created whites (Nation of Islam)
0:43:33 Oliver Anthony, organic? GOP victims, drama
0:47:52 Powerful "leaders," not working people!
0:50:14 Little men, victims, complaining
0:54:26 "Let's go, Brandon." Stars getting used up
1:00:10 Revolutionary Left, dominant vs marginalized, morality
1:03:16 Holy War - Okay (2005, Low Road)
1:06:59 Supers: LGB, Rich Men North of Richmond, Jews
1:13:39 Trump and Jewish people, 2016 campaign
1:20:28 Supers Hake awkwardly disavows
1:21:23 ART, OH: RINOs; Russia not based, Putin
1:32:37 ART: Annex Mexico? Liberals! "White" giveaway
1:41:09 Liberal whites redistributing wealth: Fear!
1:46:11 Supers: Spoiler Alert follow-ups: Jews
1:50:15 BRIAN, NC: IQ/understanding, white libs
1:54:01 Closing with DL Jokl
1:54:50 Children, Children - Donut Man (Rob Evans, 2001, Praise Him)


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