Prepare Your Lamp and Watch for the Bridegroom! Prophecy Update- Prophetic Word from the Lord 2023

11 months ago

Hi everyone. This is continuing with the messages I received from the Lord on April 15th- part of a longer series of messages from Easter to Pentecost 2023. Please like this video so others will have a better chance of seeing it, and subscribe so you will receive updates when I post a new message. Also please feel free to share this with others. It is the Lord's message. I am just trying to be faithful to put it out there.

April 15th -AM

My people perish for lack of wisdom
They have forgotten their first love
They are an adulterous generation
But if they will return to me
I will heal them
I will be their God
And they will be my people again
Tell my people I am coming soon
Tell my people to turn from their wicked ways and return to their first love
I am the cornerstone
I am the sure foundation
Tell them to build their house on the rock and they will stand
The day of the Lord
Is soon upon us
Humble yourselves before me
And I will hear you
I will receive you
I am your portion
I am your hope
I do not give as the world gives
The army of the saints
Will rise
I am calling them out from the byways and the marketplace and the temple
They will stand for me
They will fight with the weapons I am giving them
I will prevail
I am the conqueror
My victory is certain
None will stand against me
I am the Lord
This wicked generation will not prevail over me, over my people
The sexual immoral
They will have no part of me
Return to me
I am pouring out my spirit
Soon I will send out my angels for the harvest at the end of the age
These are the days before my coming
The bridegroom is coming soon
Prepare your lamp
Watch for me
Look for me
In the twinkling of an eye
I will come suddenly upon you
And you will be changed
The mortal will be clothed with immortality
Look for me
Watch for me
Watch for the sign of my coming
Lift up your eyes
Your hope
Is coming soon
Do not fear
Welcome me
There are many things yet for me to say
I will speak my word to my people

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