The Lord Says - I Am Calling a Chosen Generation! Prophetic Word from the Lord

11 months ago

This message was given early in the morning of April 15th, 2023, shortly after midnight. Many times the Lord woke us up early in the morning for these messages. Throughout the day that follows there were additional messages which I will share later.

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Transcription follows:

April 15th, 2023

(Early AM)

Have you not seen?
Have you not heard?
Have I not spoken?
My word is true
I am calling a chosen generation
A people set apart for me
For my purpose
For my glory
For my name
They will come to me
They will be refined
My remnant
A holy people for my name

My sheep know my name
They will come when I call
I will Gather my people from among the nations
I will call them to myself
I will wash them
I will give them a new robe
A new name
I will put my mark upon them
My chosen people

Harvest my people among the nations
Gather them in my name
For my sake
For my glory

As long as heaven and earth remain
My word, my statutes remain

Tell my people
Who are called by my name
Ask of me
And I will give you the living water
You will thirst no more
I have chosen you
You are mine
My inheritance
My chosen nation
My remnant

I have seen the suffering of my people
I have heard their cries
I will not be silent
I will come to you
I will gather you
That you may be where I am
Fear not
I am coming soon
You will see my face

Will I not do it?
I am the Lord
Return to me o children
Return to me
I will not tarry much longer

Prepare yourselves for my coming
This is the harvest of the end of the age
I am sending my angels

You are like sheep who have gone astray
But your shepherd is coming soon

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