The Lord Says- Soon the Abyss Will Be Opened! Look for My Coming! Prophetic Word 2023

1 year ago

This is a word from the Lord given on April 13th, 2023, part of a series of messages the Lord gave me between Easter and Pentecost of 2023. Here is the transcription of the full message:

Thursday April 13th, 2023

Tell my people
Who are called by my name
I am He who sits on the throne
I hold the seven stars
And I stand amidst the seven golden lampstands

I hold the keys to life eternal
Unto him who comes to me
I will give you a new name
I will put my mark on your forehead
You are Mine!
I have loved you with an everlasting love
Return to me!
And I will give you the fruit of the tree of life
And you will drink from the river of life
The living water
You will thirst no more
You will hunger no more
You will cry no more
For I will wipe every tear from your eye

Soon the abyss will be opened
And hell will come forth
My wrath must be satisfied
But my people
My children
Who I hold in my hand
You I have given rescue

As the shadow fell on Egypt
But the light was upon my people
So it shall be for you
Fear not
I am with you
I am coming soon

Tell my people
I know you are weary
But soon you will enter my rest

You will see my city descending from on high
In my Father’s house are many rooms
I have prepared a place for you
Watch for me!
Look for my coming!
As I went so shall I come again
Keep watch my people
Prepare for the day of the Lord
I am the Amen
The Everlasting Father
Prince of Peace
El Shaddai
I am your Banner
I am your Maker
I am your Father
I am your King
I am your Priest
I am your Salvation
I am your Hope
Watch for me
For my coming
I am coming soon!

The door is open
The gates are open
The windows are open
Narrow is the gate
Come unto me, my sheep
My children
My people
My bride

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