1 year ago

Most people agree, on the morning of 09/11/01, something just didn't add up. The "official story" (aka the Conspiracy Theory) was never proven, by any means, & becomes so ignorant once you research the matter. Well, we have the side of the story that proves what actually happened that morning. The Truth is NO PLANES CRASHED ON 9/11, therefore all the so-called plane passengers in 4 jumbo jets NEVER DIED IN PLANE CRASHES. Unless you are Conscious to this fact, you are part of the Walking Dead Zombies on earth. 9/11 was an Inside Job that included so-called law enforcement, NO PLANES CRASHED ON 9/11, NO Muslim Terrorists, the War on Terror is 100% Fake, and MSM News is 100% Fake. Also, all the mass shootings & bombings in schools, movie theaters, night clubs, concerts, marathons, etc. are ALL 100% FAKE, FALSE FLAG, HOAX, STAGED EVENTS!!! The 20 year Afghanistan War was completely illegal, all American Troops & Afghani's were killed for NO REASON, and billions of dollars were stolen from American taxpayers! EVERYTHING YOU HAVE EVER BEEN TAUGHT IS A LIE BY DESIGN!

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