9 months ago

🇮🇷 Iran - President Addresses United Nations General Debate, 78th Session | #UNGA

Joe a Biden is a national disgrace Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi's achingly long and rambling address to the U.N. General Assembly began with a lengthy sermon on the Muslim holy book, which eventually built up to him calling for action against Quran- burning by citizens of free nations. Raisi took some hard slaps against the United States despite the Biden @potus administration attempting to curry favor with a $6 billion hostage ransom, and concluded with deranged ravings about terrorism that the U.N. translators clearly had difficulty making sense of. The U.N. staff also seemed to have a bit of impish fun by turning their cameras on the audience to show how much of the audience drifted away during Raisi's endless rant or visibly stopped paying attention to what he was saying. No one called time on Raisi even as his tirade passed the grueling 35-minute mark (the U.N. recommends a 15-minute time limit for General Assembly debate speeches). Brevity is truly the soul of wit, especially when delivering one of the last speeches on a very long day.

The first chapter of the Iranian president's epic rant was a long disquisition on the wisdom of the Quran. "The assurance of a luminous future for human society lies in the devoted observance of lofty virtues that guide people towards excellence and noble ideals. What better source than the word of the Creator to encapsulate the essence of humanity and elevate the inherent values of mankind?" he asked. "The Holy Quran beckons humanity toward rationality, spirituality, the truth, and justice. It expounds upon the unity of mankind, proclaiming all earthly inhabitants. It seeks to guide all toward human dignity, which will lead to the blessings sought by mankind,” he answered himself.

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