Student loan repayment boycott will grow in 2023! Tarot reading prediction! #short

8 months ago
With student loan repayments set to restart in October. People are struggling to survive from high inflation, and trying to recover from the pandemic. Supreme court turned down Biden's student loan forgiveness bill that would have cancelled debt for millions of Americans, but regardless many barrowers believe there is more the U.S. government can do to help them recover from their student loan debt.

There is growing momentum for student loan barrowers to hold off from starting the repayments to payback their debt because they can't afford it with all their other bills and responsibilities to their loved ones. And their willing to take the risk to fight against the economic punishment from the U.S. establishment in the belief that with a collective massive holdoff of repayments that some how, some way their student loan debt will be cancelled.

Will the #studenloanforgiveness movement continue to grow? Will it continue with a potential student loan repayment boycott?

#studentloans #students #college #universities #unitedstates #joebiden #supremcourt #cancelstudentdebt #tarot #tarotreading #tarotreadings #tarotpredictions #tarotreader #aura #spiritual #protesting #boycott

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