Did Russell ruin his Brand? | Ep 21

1 year ago

In Episode 21 of The Shallow End, Nat and Kat assess the ⁠rape allegations⁠ against former Hollywood actor and comedian Russell Brand. And no, they aren't spewing the same talking points as everyone else.

Tim Ballard, the founder and former CEO of the anti-human trafficking organization Operation Underground Railroad, is also in hot water for ⁠alleged sexual misconduct⁠. So, Kat and Nat discuss these disheartening allegations and offer some advice when it comes to placing your hope in people: don't.

A lot of people in entertainment remain obsessed with Former President Donald Trump, including country singer ⁠Maren Morris⁠ and talk show host ⁠Conan O'Brien⁠.

Plus, ⁠Lyft⁠ unveiled a new non-binary driver selection feature, Chrissy Teigen and John Legend ⁠renewed their vows⁠, ⁠Lili Reinhart⁠ thinks she's relatable, but ⁠Kim Kardashian⁠ is for once, and ⁠Taylor Swift⁠ is either using coke or had some boogies in her nose at the VMAS.

Today's Partners:
Covenant Eyes — go to http://covenanteyes.sjv.io/5g5vQ1 and use promo code 'SHALLOWEND' at checkout to get one month free!
Marine Health Foods — head over to https://www.marinehealthfoods.com?ref=56076 and use promo code 'SHALLOWEND' at checkout to get 10% off your first purchase!

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