Cures Without Side Effects - Tibetan Medicine

1 year ago

Tibetan Medicine is a very ancient medical system which integrates human physiology and psychology with Buddhist philosophy, astrology and the knowledge of the five elements. According to Tibetan medicine, the absolute condition of empty luminosity manifests itself in the form of energy into three aspects: body, energy or speech and mind, which are also reflected in the human body in the form of three humors or energies called Wind (tib: rLung), Bile (mKhrispa) and Phlegm (Badken). The three basic humors of Wind, Bile and Phlegm can be altered or disrupted by the three mental poisons of attachment, anger and closed-mindedness respectively, by environmental causes, by general behavioural habits and by diet. It is through the re-harmonising of the three humors that the framework of the theory and practice of Tibetan Medicine is established.

More detailed information about health topics you can refer to my books: "Cure Without Side effects" and "Low Dose Medicine" by following these links:

For more detailed information on the Laws of Reality and Mind refer to my books here:

DISCLAIMER: Nothing contained in this video is intended nor can be taken to diagnose, treat, or cure any disease. It is for informational purposes only.

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