Awaken Bible Prophecy Update 9-20-23: NAR Post-Trib End-Times Beliefs

1 year ago

There are a number of NAR end-times beliefs that have puzzled and disturbed me as I’ve come across them through comments made by those who have watched or read some of my Prophecy Updates or Commentaries. One such belief really threw me for a loop when I first saw it. Now that I’ve studied it a little more, I understand where the idea comes from, i.e. why people have it, although I steadfastly disagree with the concept.

What was said to me was that this person was looking forward to the Tribulation with great anticipation. He said it would be the greatest time ever for believers because they’d be calling down God’s judgments so as to destroy the kingdom of darkness. Others have repeated that over time, and I had no basis for understanding how these folks could have this mindset.

Serendipitously, as I responded to someone else concerning NAR and one of the problems in the movement regarding prayer declarations, I came across a series of articles by Holly Pivec, who has written extensively about NAR, calling out the unbiblical precepts it follows. In one of Holly’s articles – of which I’ll deal with more in a subsequent Prophecy Update – she mentioned a couple of the end-times beliefs originating from Mike Bickle’s International House of Prayer (IHOP). I searched out the links Holly provided, and through that finally came to a realization of where – at least from one source – this idea of the church joyously calling down God’s judgments in the Tribulation came from.

This is a post-Tribulation Rapture perspective versus what I hold to which is a pre-Trib Rapture. Frankly these two Biblical worldviews are so contrary to each other that it’s difficult to comprehend that we both trust and believe in the same God. I mean, we’re talking about a chasm of difference between these perspectives. How could we so drastically interpret Scripture in such different ways? I believe I know the reason.

I have no doubt that many who take a post-Trib stand are solid believers, just as many of them see and understand that we likewise love and cherish the Lord. Still, the differences – the mindsets – are incredibly far apart, and it’s hard to reconcile.

Today we’ll look specifically - but briefly - at Mike Bickle’s teachings regarding the Rapture, the Tribulation, and the church’s role in the end times. Bickle and IHOP are definitely part of the NAR (New Apostolic Reformation) stream, but I would also say that he probably differs in some respects with others in this movement as to various end times beliefs.

Please note that the transcript is available on my website blog under the post with the same title.

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