9 months ago

The Unseen Manipulators Major Racey Jordan's Diaries

Major Racey Jordan's diaries reveal a hidden side of World War II.

They expose the unseen manipulators pulling the strings behind the scenes.

Major Jordan, a World War I veteran, re-enlisted at the outbreak of World War II.

He served as a Lend Lease expediter and liaison officer with the Russians from May 1942 to June 1944.

he served for two crucial years, at Newark Airport and at the big air base at Great Falls, Montana.


Jordan was amazed at the influence of Colonel Anatoli N. Kotikov, the top Russian at the base.

Kotikov could call Harry Hopkins, Roosevelt's assistant, and get instant action.

"I call Mr. Hopkins.

Repeatedly, the best interests of the US Armed Forces were overruled in favor of projects that helped the Russians.

Nothing, it seemed, was too good for our Communist 'allies'!

Mr. Hopkins fix," were words constantly heard by Jordan.

On one occasion Colonel Kotikov flew into a towering rage when a "Russian' plane, donated by American Lend-Lease and paid for by American taxpayers, was involved in a minor accident with an American Airlines plane.

the order came from Washington, and FDR's office, ordering American Airlines off the field, and every other aviation company to cease activities at Newark forthwith. The order held for the duration of the war.

He felt a foreboding that one day there would be a thorough investigation of Lend Lease.

I was only one cog in the machinery. But because I couldn't know the details of high-level strategy,

I began the Jordan diaries.

Harry Hopkins, a top official in Washington, was dedicated to the survival of the Bolshevik Butchers in Russia.

He promised to share everything with the Russians in a speech at a Russian Aid Rally at Madison Square Garden.

the Roosevelt administration granted diplomatic recognition to the bloodstained fiends who, for more than fifteen years, had drenched the soil of Russia with the innocent blood of multiple millions of hapless slaves.

Roosevelt's recognition of the Red savages as the legitimate government in Russia gave them access to credit and money markets of the world.

Without such access Russia was doomed.

Jordan's diaries reveal a hidden side of World War II.

They expose the unseen manipulators pulling the strings behind the scenes, prioritizing the welfare of Red Russia over the welfare of their own armed forces.

Jordan states that the US government was intent on supplying whatever the Russians asked for, as fast as they could get it to them.

The dedication shown by the top officials in Washington for the support and development of Red tyranny was demonstrated by Harry Hopkins in a speech he gave at a Russian Aid Rally at Madison Square Garden:

A second front? Yes, and if necessary a third and a fourth front... The American people are bound to the people of the Soviet Union in the great alliance of the United Nations...

"We are determined that nothing shall stop us from sharing with you all that we have in this conflict, and we look forward to sharing with you the fruits of victory and peace...

Jordan states in his book that 'we never knew the exact use to which anything sent under Russian Lend-Lease was put, and the failure to set up a system of accountability is now seen to have been an appalling mistake...Our government was intent on supplying watever the Russians asked for, as fast as we could get it to them"

However, the Russians were deeply suspicious and refused to open the best supply route.

Finally, Russia agreed to the Alaskan-Siberian route.

Americans would set up all the airport facilities in Alaska; Soviet pilots would take over on US soil; Soviet pilots only, would fly into Russia.

"Later it came out that we actually built bases for the Russians in Siberia."

Chemicals, metals, and minerals suitable for use in an atomic pile and also in the manufacture of the hydrogen bomb.

Also included were cobalt metal and cobalt-bearing scrap, uranium metal, beryllium, cadmium, cobalt ore and concentrate, aluminum rods, graphite, insulated copper wire, etc...

121 merchant vessels, 1285 locomotives; motor trucks and buses, tractors, telephone instruments, generators, and millions of automobiles inner tubes.

other major 'donations' to Russia were tow factories for food products, one petroelum refinery, one repair plant for precision instruments, and seventeen staionary steam and three hydro-electric plants.

The grand total of American aid to the Reds between the years 1942-1944 was $9.6 Billion.

the end minutemen

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