Speaker Kevin McCarthy Is A LOST PUPPY In Republican Spending Fight

10 months ago

Speaker Kevin McCarthy and Freedom Caucus Republicans are at major odds over federal spending, almost guaranteeing a government shutdown. Cenk Uygur and Ana Kasparian discuss on The Young Turks.

"Speaker Kevin McCarthy’s bid to gain the upper hand in a battle over federal spending hit stiff opposition from within his own ranks on Monday, leaving him with dwindling options and little time to find his way out of a funding impasse that could lead to a government shutdown in less than two weeks.

Roughly a dozen Republicans made it clear that they were staunchly opposed to the proposal unveiled on Sunday, which combines a stopgap spending measure with steep funding cuts and new border controls, indicating they could not be induced to change their votes through leadership pressure. The measure had little chance of passing the Democratic-controlled Senate, but Mr. McCarthy, who has made it clear he is desperate to avoid a politically damaging shutdown, has promoted it as a way to pressure the other chamber to come his way on spending."

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