Framing, frames, Seeing

11 months ago

People use frames to give you descriptions and make predictions about the world. Political frames, economic frames, religious frames. These are all insufficient, they don't work well.
In this video I try to exemplify the problem of frames and framing using a few examples, primarily the American Revolution (which I call the American Rebellion). There are lots of ways to view just that single event but all of them have unresolvable issues which leave you with a sense of understanding which is inappropriate and fail to explain both that event or expose the larger patterns at work. Many people are making predictions with really poor models and bringing others along for the ride. I try to show you how this works and how rich and full history really is, how complex the unfolding of events is so that you can focus on simpler patterns and ignore soothsayers, gurus and charlatans.
English Revolution with Adam:
French Revolution with Adam:
Animation by Yana Petkova - music by Rizzi - editing done by Michál José
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