[SEBARKAN] New World Order | Private Group Pengendali Dunia!

8 months ago

Private Group mengendalikan Pemerintah. Begitu mereka memiliki kendali ekonomi, mereka akan mengendalikan kehidupan masyarakat, dan mereka juga dapat mengambil alih kehidupan masyarakat secara politik dan militer.

Private Group control the government. Once they own economic control, they control people’s lives, and they can take them over politically and militarily as well.

Klaus Schwab to Henry Kissinger: "What a wonderful opportunity to end our week here with such concrete proposals and ideas on how we can really create, I would say, a new world order."

Klaus Schwab tells Henry Kissinger about creating a new world order.
WEF's Yuval Noah Harari says: What do we need humans for? Keep them happy with drugs and computer games!

Disclaimer: Content is made for purpose such as criticism, teaching, education, clipping and research -Entertain purpose only!

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