Employees of Lanzhou LS Group, a CCP state-owned enterprise, protest to demand their unpaid wages

1 year ago

9/19/2023 Employees of Lanzhou LS Group, a state-owned enterprise of the CCP, gathered in large numbers at the company's headquarters to demand their unpaid wages. The fact that even state-owned enterprises like Lanzhou LS Group are unable to pay their employees' wages underscores once again that the CCP economy is collapsing.
#CCP #economycollapse #Chinese≠CCP #takedowntheCCP
9/19/2023 中共国企兰石集团大量员工聚集该集团总部讨薪。连兰石集团这样的国企都发不出工资,这再次证明了中共的经济正在崩溃中!
#中共 #经济崩溃 #中国人不等于中共 #消灭中共

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