Dr. Bill Deagle on the Alex Jones show (April 28th 2009)

10 months ago

April 28th 2009- Dr. Bill Deagle and Alex discuss the plans that the elite have behind the current 2009 Swine Flu propaganda.

Libertarian99: I just found out that Dr Bill Deagle died last May 2023 so I am going to put up some of his older videos as he did know the whole agenda by being an insider and researching himself but was 15 years early. I use to listen to his show back in 2005-2006 called "The NutriMedical Report".

Dr William Deagle was a very intelligent man with a photographic memory who was a dual Citizen of Canada & the USA. He was involved in the Government/Military from 1995-2003 in Colorado. He was told by a FBI Director in March 2001 while doing Computer Simulation Scenarios of a Virus and the FBI Director told him with complete certainty that this September (2001) that 1 of 4 scenarios is GOING to happen and one of those scenarios was flying Jet Aircrafts into the World Trade Center towers in NYC so on the day of 9/11 Dr Deagle knew immediately that THEY did it and he was full of Rage that they did this to the American People. He kept all his classified stuff to himself until one day in early 2004 he heard Alex Jones on the car radio talking about all the stuff he knew and decided to go public.

After an interview he had on the GCN network in 2004 he was asked if he wanted to have his OWN show on GCN based on all his knowledge and so he started it in 2004. I think this is the only time Dr. Deagle was on Alex Jones show. He was a regular Alex Jones listener from 2004 until his death this year as I listened to some of his shows last year and he constantly played Alex Jones clips for that day.

Dr. William Richard Deagle M.D (February 15th 1952 - May 16th 2023)

Here is the SOURCE for this video that I made into one video- PART 2 was missing and PART 5 is the day before (April 27th 2009).
Dr Bill Deagle on Alex Jones Show - The Coming Virus 1/5 (April 28th 2009)
Dr Bill Deagle on Alex Jones Show - The Coming Virus 3/5 (April 28th 2009)
Dr Bill Deagle on Alex Jones Show - The Coming Virus 4/5 (April 28th 2009)
Dr Bill Deagle on Alex Jones Show - The Coming Virus 5/5 (This last one was on April 27th 2009 based on the Infowars dates)

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