YOU NEED A STRATEGY! Re-group. Re-plan. Watch the miracles roll in !!!

1 year ago

What a roller-coaster ride! This is one of the best movies I've ever been a part of. The goal post has shifted! Radically! "Efficiency" and "Effectiveness" are now our catch-words. Every particle of effort now needs to be captured and directed for maximum impact. This is our testing and our making. This is our rite of passage - a proving to ourselves and to all New Zealanders that every NZ Loyal candidate who wins their seat, deserves to be there. To the candidates: Nobody makes it across the line who is not willing to sweat blood to get there. Nobody rides in on the coattails of anyone else's good ideas and hard work. If you want to get it, you will go for it, with all of your might! This is your proving ground. This is your initiation. If you can surmount this final obstacle, you will prove yourself worthy. Good luck and God bless to you all.

Go to for much, much more.
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