Almost all CCP companies listed in the U.S. stock market engage in financial fraud

10 months ago

9/18/2023 【Roy on the Wayne Dupree Podcast】Roy Guo: Mr. Miles Guo had previously revealed that Wang Jian, the former chairman of HNA, did not die by suicide but was murdered. Mr. Guo sent an investigative team to France to gather evidence and held a press conference to present the evidence. All the "white gloves" of the CCP are like lambs, waiting to be killed because they know too much. Almost all CCP companies listed in the U.S. stock market engage in financial fraud.
#CCP #Chinese≠CCP #takedowntheCCP
9/18/2023 【罗伊做客Wayne Dupree Podcast节目】罗伊:郭文贵先生曾爆出海航前董事长王健并非自杀而是被杀。郭先生派了调查团队去法国取证并召开了新闻发布会展示了证据。中共所有白手套都是待宰的羔羊,因为他们知道的太多了!几乎所有中共在美国上市的公司都在财务上造假!
#中共 #中国人不等于中共 #消灭中共

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