I Survived Covid Hospital Protocol #survived #covid #PA — CHD Bus Stories

1 year ago

Despite all their efforts to treat their symptoms of COVID using alternative protocols with supplementation and repurposed drugs, they were admitted to the hospital with COVID pneumonia. At that point in time, Stephanie was told that her husband, Dan, “was in critical condition and was going to die.” The couple was placed in the same room. What caused a nurse to confront them? How did they continue to sustain themselves during their stay? What happened after Stephanie was discharged? Find out in this CHD.TV video.

Despite all their efforts to treat their symptoms of COVID using alternative protocols with supplementation and repurposed drugs, they were admitted to the hospital with COVID pneumonia. At that point in time, Stephanie was told that her husband, Dan, “was in critical condition and was going to die.” The couple was placed in the same room. What caused a nurse to confront them? How did they continue to sustain themselves during their stay? What happened after Stephanie was discharged? Find out in this CHD.TV video.

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