Stop the Shots... Turning People into Walking Antennas!

1 year ago

The reason the WEF Globalist elite specifically Bill Gates is still pushing the shots...

#1) to kill off 90% of the Global Population (this is something the unelected WEF have stated clearly at their meetings.)

#2) To track, ID and trace every habit, spending patterns, political beliefs etc. Those who survive the shots will be used as their servants... even the unaware wealthy will be stripped of their money and properties and become slaves alongside everyone else.

#3) They will eventually use the 5G and 6G to exterminate the rest of the vaccinated even if they were compliant to everything the elite expected of them. Researchers have discovered a payload in some of the shots that can be triggered to instantly kill a vaccinated person if they transmit a certain frequency to the person which will then release the 'Kill Frequency'. They have been experimenting with that kill frequency as you see in several videos of people spiraling around while swatting the air then fall down and go into massive spasms including the heart.

Never take another shot! Move to the country with a water well and a green house garden with other like minded people. And throw away all cell phones! We know now they are the very vehicle that will be used to track and trace people that have not been vaccinated.

Live like your ancestors did. You will be fine... and pray! Draw closer to the Lord than ever before. He IS our very present help in time of need! Halleluyah! Amen!

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