MR. NON-PC- They Care More About Sports...Than Their Lives Being Destroyed!

1 year ago

Here we are in September 2023, and maaaaannnnnn the corruption is so damn thick you could cut it with a knife!!

From the satanic U.S Government to the Helter/Skelter-Race-Baiting/White, Christian and Straight Hating Media running their psyops and constant evil scams in tandem, the average "PC-PEEP" who looooooooves eating their "PC-POOP" would rather just tune into their favorite sporting event rather than face the sad reality surrounding them!

Now if you're like me MR. NON-PC, and you're not right and left...but far far away from both, then you'll realize that even sporting events have gotten political in the past few years. And more importantly they're merely a mechanism to propagandize the masses and also a giant form of ESCAPISM!!!!

The only way to really get ahead in life is turn off the sports, and instead start focusing on real life skills that will serve you into your older years.

Be practical and smart: pay off your car (if you haven't already) buy your home outright (it doesn't have to be long as you own it) eliminate bills and credit cards, pay in cash and more importantly start really getting healthy in the mind, body and more importantly your soul!

Let all these PC-Peepz be subdued and distracted while you can get ahead of all the madness.

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