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Derik Johnson

1 year ago


  • 0/2000
  • Derik May God bless and protect you sir. History is going to look back and smile on you and what you did in this fight between good and evil. I think the military should give you another strip . Thank you

    1 like
  • Derek Ray here. Honorably discharged Vietnam Veteran . Thank you for the information. Have been explaining to people for the last 5 decades that the proof of what is going on in government is in the executive orders of all presidents and military laws and orders. I have some very serious issues going on with the VA health care system and could use your thoughts on this. My email is daray254@yahoo.com if you could somehow confirm it is you we could set up a way of communication in a video message through Facebook messenger. I have very interesting info that you may shine some light on.

  • Then why isn’t this information public?

  • If what you say is true then how come the military ain’t doing jack crap?