AI Will Kill Us All ☠️ OR We'll Be Superhuman & Live FOREVER!? 💯 #transhumanism #biotech

9 months ago

Will AI Kill Us All 🤔 or will we become Superhuman & Live Forever?

So there's been a lot of talk lately about AI taking over
eventually becoming sentient and killing us all!
A much more likely scenario, humanity is gonna completely split off into two separate species, one who embraces the new technology & one who is afraid of it.

Does that mean Cyborgs?

Maybe but I personally don't think there even has to be a mechanical or robotic element to this at all now. Humans are too quick to make everything "us versus them" when reality is a lot more nuanced.

Biotechnology's already able to 3D print super organs from your own DNA.

So, now you've got a bad heart? Bad lungs? No Problem!
These bio engineered superhumans will have the mental capacity of quantum supercomputers and be able to leap tall buildings in a single bound

Now doesn't that sound like fun?

Personally as someone who's been chronically ill most of my adult life, I believe I deserve a 2nd chance. I'm gonna be the first one in line.

But how about you? Does it go against your ethics & morals? Why?
Really think about it though...
If you can save your mom, your dad, your grandparents or the love of your life, wouldn't you do it?

Or maybe you just wanna be a superhero or live (virtually) forever.
Would you do it?

Let me know in the comments below...

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