Watch Yevhen Karas the leader of Ukraine's neo-Nazi terror gang C14's speech...

1 year ago

... from Kiev earlier this month. Straight from the horses' mouth, he dispels the many narratives pushed by the left, the mainstream media and the State Dept

And there was never any beneficial result that fighting Russia could have provided Ukrainians. Simply being agreeable to Russia's security concerns & ending the AFU's efforts to shell Donbass' Russophiles into fleeing to Russia was all they had to do

No civil war. No Russian intervention. Nobody dies

Smaller states bordering military superpowers always find a way-if they have sane leaders-to not provoke their more powerful neighbor into attacking them
Rule #1: don't make yourself a threat to that neighbor

Most especially, don't invite another superpower on the other side of the planet that is hostile toward your neighbor to help turn you into such a perceived threat

But Ukraine lacked sane leaders because the CIA/MI6 paid for a coup that destroyed Ukraine's democracy & empowered Nazi lunatics like this guy ⬇️ who were more
than eager to ignite a civil war with east Ukraine's Russophiles & push a hate campaign against Russia

When it finally ends, Ukraine's losses will be permanent & every single one of them would have been prevented if only the US & UK were not ruled by depraved sadists,
who "cleverly" (diabolically) used their secret regime change Operatives (CIA & MI6) to turn all their evil plans into a horrifying reality...

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