Dr. Jane Ruby: Bioengineered & Genetically Modified Food, Poisons in Food & the Apeel Coating

1 year ago

(May 1, 2023) Summary from 'Dr. Jane Ruby Stat'!: Bioengineered food items are becoming more common. Dr. Jane cautions consumers to check product labels. Products may indicate they contain bioengineered ingredients, but no specifics given on what may have been genetically modified or the quantities. Apeel produce coating, funded by Bill Gates is made from plant mono and diglycerides - associated with inflammation and heart disease. It also contains other potentially dangerous chemicals that can cause neurological issues and other health problems. Consumers need to be vigilant in researching what they put in their bodies. We cannot count on manufacturers to fully disclose genetically modified or dangerous ingredients.

Related article to read: "Check All Food Labels, Even Products You Have Bought For Years!": https://allnewspipeline.com/Check_Your_Labels.php

Source:  https://rumble.com/v2lp49y-bioengineered-and-genetically-modified-food-poisons-in-food-and-apeel-coati.html

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