WONDERS OF EUROPE | The most amazing places in all European countries

7 months ago

Get to know the most impressive places in Europe. All European countries are included. I've compiled a comprehensive list of the most astonishing places in Europe including spots from every country on
the continent even the smallest ones in Europe you can see monuments and buildings from its long history but also
masterpieces of Nature and some of the most amazing Landscapes on the planet
from the Heavenly beaches of the South to the fiords and Frozen lands of the north today you will discover the
wonders of Europe [Music] number one yokosarin Glacier Lagoon and
Diamond beach Iceland this Lagoon is formed by the melted water of the braid America Yoko Glacier which is part of the vatna Yoko glacier
walking along the shores will leave you amazed but it is also advisable to take a boat or amphibious vehicle to see the
icebergs up close throughout the Lagoon and even approach the glacier walls once close enough to these walls you can
hear the Roars of the glacier breaking or even watch as small or large chunks fall off creating waves
in addition to the glacier and icebergs you can see seals in the lagoon it is said to be a paradise for them because
they have no natural predators in the area like orcas next to this Lagoon is Diamond Beach where icebergs of various sizes from the Lagoon wash ashore and melt some
icebergs are small and you can pick them up taking a photo to remember the experience
number two reynus fiara black beach
Iceland revnus Fiora is one of the most famous
and beautiful beaches in Iceland located in the town of Vic on the country's southern coast it is famous for its
extensive stretches of black sand
Additionally the Vic Lighthouse is nearby from which you can see views of
the beach and its surroundings the beach and its surroundings being in rain is Fiora you will feel transported to another era the
aggressive waves changing tides and constant cold wind give it a viking movie atmosphere
this beach is considered one of the most dangerous in the world so it is recommended to stay away from the water
as sudden powerful waves can arrive
from the beach you can see the stone trolls or raina's stronger islets Legend tells the story of three trolls named
skesadronger laudner dronger and skesadronger laudner dronger and long hamrah who lived in the mountains on the
southern coast of the country they went to find the loot of a Viking ship but fighting the terrible waves
they were delayed and the sunlight turned them into stone
number three thing vetler National Park
Iceland this is the birthplace of the
world's first Parliament when in ad930 the Island's inhabitants organized annual assemblies in an institution
called alpingi the geology of the site provided them with a natural
Amphitheater for holding meetings the

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