Crystal Rivers | Open Book | Sep 19, 2023

Streamed on:

Pursuing Spiritual Wisdom | The making of the Watchman
The Watchman Series EP 1

This message focuses on the importance of pursuing knowledge, wisdom and discernment in order to become an effective watchman. It emphasizes acquiring the mind of Christ through understanding the gospel and God's plan of redemption. Believers are encouraged to build their faith, add virtue to their lives, and grow in spiritual maturity. The goal is being transformed into the likeness of Jesus Christ. Overall, the message stresses the need to move beyond basic faith into deeper knowledge of God's ways, so we can correctly discern truth and walk in our authority as God intends.

The Crystal Rivers online meetings are an organic ministry expression of the Cave Adullam community that came as an obedient response to a clear instruction from the Lord and a desire to stay connected to each other regardless of our location on the globe. Join us as we pray, fast and dig into the word with at least one expression of the crystal sea flowing via Zoom every weekday :

Crystal Rivers | Open Book | Sep 19, 2023

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